we escape to god /wall painting /canavas
140x75 cm /$170/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Al-Fatiha (The Opening)
100x100cm/ $200/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Allaah is free from imperfection and all praise is due to Him
100x100 cm/ $200/Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
I thought god give all good
140x80cm/ $180/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Allah provides, suffices,
140x75/$190/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Al-Kursi vrse
140x60cm /$160 / Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Who answers the distressed one when he calls upon Him
120X 70 $140 / Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
those who believe, & remembrance of God
120X60/ $140/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
The Badi` (Originator) of the heavens and the earth.
140x75 / $180/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
I The testimony of faith
100x100cm / $200/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Red Scarf
120x72cm /$180/ Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Arabian horse
140x80cm /$190 /Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Arabian falcon
100x100cm/$200/Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Arabian horse in purple
120x60cm /$160 /Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32 -
Arabian Knight /
100x100cm /$200 /Canvas /roll - Pillowcase 45x45cm $32